Capital Dynamics
Hong Kong
Independence • Intelligence • Integrity
i Capital China Fund
NAV(as at 26/06/2020)
US$ 1.0343
(as 21/03/2025)
The NAV is nett of all fees, including any accruals for performance fee, whenever it is applicable.
i Capital Global Fund
NAV(as at 26/06/2020)
US$ 704.843
(as 28/02/2024)
The NAV is nett of all fees, including any accruals for performance fee, whenever it is applicable.
About Capital Dynamics
A Short History
On 28 October 1929, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) fell 12.8% in a single day. This crash lasted until 8 July 1932 and eventually wiped out 89% of the value of the companies listed on the NYSE. It was the beginning of the Great Depression and a period where those who have lived through it vowed never to go through such an experience again.
We believe that successful investing involves the 3 ‘i‘s – Independence, Intelligence and Integrity.
Our Services
Capital Dynamics Asset Management (HK) Private Limited holds a Type 9 (Asset Management) licence issued by the Securities and Futures Commission Hong Kong (SFC). Its principal activity is to provide asset management service to corporations, institutions and individual investors.
Besides providing discretionary investment management services, we manage the following funds:
1. i Capital China Fund (ICCF), a retail unit trust fund authorized by the SFC.
2. i Capital Global Fund (ICGF), operating under the purview of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA)
Why Capital Dynamics
“INTELLIGENTLY ECLECTIC” VALUE INVESTINGOur value investment philosophy is best described as “Intelligently Eclectic.” What do we mean? Value investing has demonstrated itself as a superior investment approach over long periods of time.
Our team of professionals is headed by our highly experienced Managing Director, Tan Teng Boo. As a result of his fascination with the stock market, his working experience and academic background, he has, over more than three decades, acquired an uncanny insight into the global equity markets and the listed companies.
Contact Us
Capital Dynamics Hong Kong
Suite 701, 7th Floor, Chinachem Leighton Plaza,
29 Leighton Road,
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2153 1455
Fax: (852) 2153 1451
Email: cdhk@capitaldynamics.hk
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